Digitalisation as the key enabler: Semantic Interoperability, Protocols, Data Gateways, IoT Integration.


Session on "Digitalisation as the key enabler" of energy transition

ebalance-plus took part in the 12th Regional Workshop of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET). Krzysztof Piotrowski from IHP presented the ebalance-plus vision on data-centered energy management platforms.

The conclusions of the parallel session “Digitalisation as the Key Enabler: Semantic Interoperability; Protocols; Data Gateways; IoT Integration” can be summarised as follows:

  • Digitalisation projects are needed to close the gap between ideas and reality (implementation). Projects are the means to implement an idea with interested users.
  • Crosssector data exchange reference architecture (based on the BRIDGE Data Management WG graphics; SGAM-based): There is a challenge on the level of dimensionality. From ‘Business systems at the top’ down to ‘connectivity to devices at lowest level’. Issues are indicated on how many layers inbetween shall be used.
  • Data sharing today is challenging. Especially in the DSO world, standards seem to be missing.
  • In order to enable people to use the developed solutions, two groups may be considered: small endusers and the DSO/TSO level. Databased solutions may be useful beyond the energy sector.
  • Not everything can be solved in one shot. Thus, Use Cases need to be selected to be implemented (solving sub-problems).
  • There is a challenge in creating interoperability on top of existing solutions (Federated knowledge bases must be created).

Further recommendations and conclusions can be found here.

Below is the full recording of the session.