One day after the announcement of the European Action Plan for Grids, the EU-funded project ebalance-plus presents its market ready flexibility management solutions at the ENLIT fair (Paris, France).

After four years of EU funded research and testing, the ebalance-plus project has demonstrated success in creating smarter, more efficient energy grids with use of innovative technologies. On 29 November 2023 at the ENLIT fair in Paris, the project held its final conference, presenting the different smart technologies to the professional audience on site.
“Ebalance-plus aims to digitalise the electricity system in such a way that end-customers are involved and participate jointly with energy suppliers and distributors, to achieve mutual benefit and open the door to new flexibility markets”, explains Juan Jacobo Peralta from CEMOSA, coordinator of the project.
The pressure on European power networks has been mounting and grid bottlenecks are delaying Europe’s clean transition. The energy sector requires a deep transformation to meet the demands of future. Now Europe is ready to take on the challenges and unlock the investments needed: The Commission’s European Action Plan for Grid, announced by Commissioner Kadri Simson on 28 November 2023, focuses on the grid of the future that will have to support a more decentralised, digitalised and flexible system including rooftop solar panels, energy storage systems, heat pumps, electric vehicles, local energy communities, and increasing hydrogen production.
The necessary flexibility solutions have been presented and discussed at the final conference of ebalance-plus and Distribution System Operators, researchers and aggregators agree that there is political momentum and a unique opportunity to accelerate change in upgrading and digitalising Europe´s electricity grid.
The ebalance-plus consortium brings together 15 partners – research centres, SMEs and industry representatives – from 10 countries. They worked together to increase flexibility of energy grids, develop new business models and support key stakeholders with tailored end-user interfaces. They tested a variety of solutions in four real pilots in Spain, Italy, France and Denmark. To ensure the adequacy of the solutions, additional in-lab tests tackled security and reliability issues. The European Union supports the project within the Horizon 2020 framework with almost 10 million euro.
For more information, check the website and follow the activities on and or contact:
Media inquiries:
Sabine Alexandre-Klein:
European Science Communication Institute gGmbH
Project coordinator:
Noemi Jiménez-Redondo:
Juan Jacobo Peralta Escalante: